Lantmännen är ett lantbrukskooperativ och norra Europas ledande aktör inom lantbruk, maskin, bioenergi och livsmedel.
Kliniska studier Functional Feed
Ett stort antal kliniska studier och andra vetenskapliga artiklar har publicerats. Här är några exempel:
Referenslista - Djurstudier (2020-11-14)
- Bolduan, G., Schuldt, A. und Hackl, W. 1997. Diätfütterung beim Absetzferkel. Arch. Tierz, Dummerstorf 40, Sonderheft, 95-100.
- Göransson, L., Martinsson, K., Lange, S. and Lönnroth, I. 1993. Feed induced lectines in piglets. J. Vet. Med. B40, 478-484
- Göransson, L., Lange, L. and Lönnroth, I. 1995. Post weaning diarrhoea: Focus on diet. Pigs News and Information 1995, Vol. 16, No. 3, 89N-91N.
- Johansson, B., Johansson, E. and Lange, S. 2011. Antisecretory factor counteracts calf diarrhea and increases daily weight gain. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 89, E-Suppl. 1/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 94, E-Suppl. 1
- Lange, s., Lönnroth, I. and Skadhauge, E. 1989. Effect of anti secretory factor in pig. Europe Physiol. (Plugers Archs), 409, 328-332.
- Lange, S., Martinsson, K., Lönnroth, I. and Göransson, L. 1993. Plasma level of antisecretory factor and its relation to post weaning diarrhoea in piglets. J. Vet. Med. B 40, 13-118.
- Lange, S., Martinsson, K. and Lönnroth, I. 1994. Concentrations of anti-secretoric factor in eggs and chicken blood plasma.Br. Poult. Sci.35, 615-620.
- Lönnroth, I., Martinsson, K. and Lange, S. 1988. Evidence for protection against diarrhoea in suckling piglets by a hormone like peptide in sow milk. J. Vet. Med. B35, 628-635.
- Martinsson, K., Lange, S., Lönnroth, I. and Hellberg, S. Antisecretory proteins in blood plasma, Diarrhoel disease, and production results in young calves. Lantmännen internal report. (unpublished)
- Sigfridson, K., Lange, S. and Lönnroth, I. 1995. Antisecretory protein and feed induced lectines in sow and suckling piglets. Abstracts 46th annual meeting of EAAP, Prague, Tjeckoslovakia.
- Ulgheri, C., Paganini, B. and Rossi, F. 2010. Antisecretory factor as a potential health-promoting molecule in man and animals. Nutrition Research Reviews, 23, 300–313
- Ulgheri, C. Grilli, E. Rossi, F. Piva, G. 2010. Effect of hydrothermally processed cereals on the performance of weaned piglets. Livestock science, VOL 134, No. 1-3,166-168.
- Grøndahl ML, Sorensen H, Unmack MA, et al. 2002. Neuronal involvement in the effect of an antisecretory factor-derived peptide on induced secretion in the porcine small intestine. J Comp Physiol A 188, 589–594